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Sequoia BCI Flexible Income Fund
Who should invest

The portfolio is suited for investors:

  • With a time horizon of one (1) year to invest;

  • Looking for a high income and stability of capital;

  • With a low risk profile.

ASISA Category
South Africa Multi Asset Income

ASISA SA Multi Asset Income Category Average

Platform Availability
Allan Gray, Glacier, Momentum Wealth, Ninety One, PPS, Stanlib, Sygnia

Unit Trust
Why the Sequoia BCI Flexible Income Fund

The portfolio is researched, constructed and managed by a discretionary manager with a skilled team.


The portfolio has multiple levels of diversification by using various managers, exposures to various investment styles and asset classes.


The portfolio is Regulation 28 compliant for investors.


The portfolio has a maximum 10% total equity exposure and may invest 45% offshore.

The fund is regulated by the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act and have a separate legal status. It is regulated by the same legislation that applies to Linked Investment Services Providers (LISPs), namely the Stock Exchanges Control Act and the Financial Markets Control Act. 

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